Analog ICs

Only a few -- including complete datasheets here isn't such a good idea.


Precision 10V voltage reference.
    |1  +--+  8|
VCC |2        7|
    |3  REF01 6| OUT
GND |4        5| TRIM

REF02, REF05

Precision 5V voltage reference.
     |1  +--+  8|
 VCC |2        7|
TEMP |3  REF02 6| OUT
 GND |4        5| TRIM


Precision 2.5V voltage reference.
     |1  +--+  8|
 VCC |2        7|
TEMP |3  REF03 6| OUT
 GND |4        5| TRIM


Precision -10/-10.24V voltage reference.
Leaving SEL open will produce -10V, grounding it -10.24V output.
OUT |1  +--+  8| TRIM
    |2        7| VEE
    |3  REF08 6|
SEL |4        5| GND


Precision 10V voltage reference.
    |1  +--+  8|
VCC |2        7|
    |3  REF01 6| OUT
GND |4        5| TRIM


Voltage mode temperature sensor.
Available in Fahrenheit or Celsius models and multiple temperature sense ranges. Output is 10mv/degree regardless of VCC (+5 to +30 V).
TO 92
| ##|
+++++    1: VCC
 |||     2: Vout
 |||     3: GND
1 2 3


Precision 2.5V voltage reference.
     |1  +--+  8|
 VCC |2        7|
TEMP |3  REF03 6| OUT
 GND |4        5| TRIM


Current mode temperature sensor.
TO 92
| ##|
+++++    1: Iin
 |||     2: Rset
 |||     3: GND
1 2 3

339, LM339

Quad comparator.
1OUT |1  +--+ 14| 3OUT
2OUT |2       13| 4OUT
 VCC |3       12| GND
-2In |4 LM339 11| +4In
+2In |5       10| -4In
-1In |6        9| +3In
+1In |7        8| -3In

386, LM386

500mW audio amplifier.
GAIN |1  +--+  8| GAIN
 -In |2        7| BYP
 +In |3 LM386  6| VCC
 GND |4        5| OUT


Universal timer.
When CV is not connected it is held at 2/3.VCC through a 5k/10k divider (larger values on the 7555).
     +---+--+---+            +------+--------+------*---+-----+
 GND |1  +--+  8| VCC        | /RST |  /TR   | Thr  | Q | Dis |
 /TR |2        7| Dis        +======+========+======*===+=====+
   Q |3   555  6| Thr        |  0   |   X    |  X   | 0 |  0  |
/RST |4        5| CV         |  1   | < CV/2 |  X   | 1 |  Z  |
     +----------+            |  1   | > CV/2 | < CV | - |  -  |
                             |  1   | > CV/2 | > CV | 0 |  0  |


Dual 555 universal timers.
When 1CV or 2CV are not connected they are held at 2/3.VCC through a 5k/10k divider.
      +---+--+---+           +------+--------+------*---+-----+
 1Dis |1  +--+ 14| VCC       | /RST |  /TR   | Thr  | Q | Dis |
 1Thr |2       13| 2Dis      +======+========+======*===+=====+
  1CV |3       12| 2Thr      |  0   |   X    |  X   | 0 |  0  |
/1RST |4  556  11| 2CV       |  1   | < CV/2 |  X   | 1 |  Z  |
   1Q |5       10| /2RST     |  1   | > CV/2 | < CV | - |  -  |
 /1TR |6        9| 2Q        |  1   | > CV/2 | > CV | 0 |  0  |
  GND |7        8| /2TR      +------+--------+------*---+-----+


Quad monostable timers.
    1Q |1  +--+ 16| 4Q
1RCext |2       15| 4RCext
   1TR |3       14| 4TR
    CV |4       13| /RST
   VCC |5  558  12| GND
   2TR |6       11| 3TR
2RCext |7       10| 3RCext
    2Q |8        9| 3Q


Voltage controlled oscillator.
  GND |1  +--+  8| VCC
      |2        7| Cext
TRout |3   566  6| RCext
SQout |4        5| MOD

567, LM567

PLL frequency detector.
OUTCext |1  +--+  8| Q
 LPCext |2        7| GND
     IN |3   567  6| RCext
    VCC |4        5| Rext


LED flasher and oscillator.
RCf |1  +--+  8| RCs
OUT |2        7|
    |3  3909  6| RL
GND |4        5| VCC

3914, 3915

LED dot and bargraph drivers with open-collector outputs.
The 3914 has a linear display, the 3915 a logarithmic one. Connect the MODE pin to VCC for bar graph, or to Q9 for a single dot.
  Q1 |1  +--+ 18| Q2
 GND |2       17| Q3
 VCC |3       16| Q4
 Rlo |4       15| Q5
  IN |5  3914 14| Q6
 Rhi |6  3915 13| Q7
 REF |7       12| Q8
 ADJ |8       11| Q9
MODE |9       10| Q10


Quad analog switches.
  1X |1  +--+ 14| VCC
  1Y |2       13| 1EN
  2Y |3       12| 4EN
  2X |4  4016 11| 4X
 2EN |5  4066 10| 4Y
 3EN |6        9| 3Y
 GND |7        8| 3X


Quad analog switches.
  1X |1  +--+ 14| VCC
  1Y |2       13| 1EN
  2Y |3       12| 4EN
  2X |4  4016 11| 4X
 2EN |5  4066 10| 4Y
 3EN |6        9| 3Y
 GND |7        8| 3X


16-to-1 line analog multiplexer/demultiplexer.
  Y |1    +--+   24| VCC
 X7 |2           23| X8
 X6 |3           22| X9
 X5 |4           21| X10
 X4 |5           20| X11
 X3 |6           19| X12
 X2 |7    4067   18| X13
 X1 |8           17| X14
 X0 |9           16| X15
 S0 |10          15| /EN
 S1 |11          14| S2
GND |12          13| S3


16-to-2 line analog multiplexer/demultiplexer.
 1Y |1    +--+   24| VCC
1X7 |2           23| 2X0
1X6 |3           22| 2X1
1X5 |4           21| 2X2
1X4 |5           20| 2X3
1X3 |6           19| 2X4
1X2 |7    4097   18| 2X5
1X1 |8           17| 2Y
1X0 |9           16| 2X6
 S0 |10          15| 2X7
 S1 |11          14| S2
GND |12          13| /EN


Quad analog switches with enable input and dual power supply.
VEE supply may not be more positive than GND.
 1X |1  +--+ 16| VCC
 1Y |2       15| 1EN
 2Y |3       14| 4EN
 2X |4       13| 4X
2EN |5  4316 12| 4Y
3EN |6       11| 3Y
 EN |7       10| 3X
GND |8        9| VEE


8-to-1 line analog multiplexer/demultiplexer with address latch and dual power supply.
VEE supply may not be more positive than GND.
1X0 |1  +--+ 18| VCC
1X1 |2       17| X2
2X1 |3       16| X1
 2Y |4       15| X0
2X0 |5  4351 14| X3
/EN |6       13| S0
 EN |7       12| S1
VEE |8       11| S2
GND |9       10| LE


8-to-2 line analog multiplexer/demultiplexer with address latch and dual power supply.
VEE supply may not be more positive than GND.
1X0 |1  +--+ 18| VCC
1X2 |2       17| 2X2
 1Y |3       16| 2X1
1X3 |4       15| 2Y
1X1 |5  4352 14| 2X0
/EN |6       13| 2X3
 EN |7       12| S0
VEE |8       11| S1
GND |9       10| LE


Triple 2-to-1 line analog multiplexer/demultiplexer with address latch and dual power supply.
VEE supply may not be more positive than GND.
1X0 |1  +--+ 18| VCC
1X1 |2       17| 1Y
2X1 |3       16| 3Y
 2Y |4       15| 3X1
2X0 |5  4353 14| 3X0
/EN |6       13| 3S
 EN |7       12| 1S
VEE |8       11| 2S
GND |9       10| LE


DTMF encoder (NatSemi).
When /SNGL is low, only the upper or lower tone (selected by GRP) is given. OUT is open emitter, connect load to GND.
  VCC |1  +--+ 14| OUT
   LE |2       13|
/SNGL |3       12| D3
  GRP |4  5088 11| D2
  GND |5       10| D1
   X1 |6        9| D0
   X0 |7        8| MUTE


Programmable delay timer with oscillator.
      X1 |1  +--+ 16| VCC
      X0 |2       15| RST
      X2 |3       14| OSCCON
       A |4       13| S3
      /B |5  5555 12| S2
RTR//RTR |6       11| S1
      /Q |7       10| S0
     GND |8        9| Q


Universal timer.
When CV is not connected it is held at 2/3.VCC through a 5k/10k divider (larger values on the 7555).
     +---+--+---+            +------+--------+------*---+-----+
 GND |1  +--+  8| VCC        | /RST |  /TR   | Thr  | Q | Dis |
 /TR |2        7| Dis        +======+========+======*===+=====+
   Q |3   555  6| Thr        |  0   |   X    |  X   | 0 |  0  |
/RST |4        5| CV         |  1   | < CV/2 |  X   | 1 |  Z  |
     +----------+            |  1   | > CV/2 | < CV | - |  -  |
                             |  1   | > CV/2 | > CV | 0 |  0  |


DTMF decoder.
DV goes high when a tone is detected on IN (-32..-2dB). XEN is oscillator enable (pull high, and connect a Xtal // 1M resistor to X0 and X1). If XEN is low, ATB can be used to connect multiple chips together. GT determines the guard time, 0=short 1=long.
   D1 |1  +--+ 14| D2
   D0 |2       13| D3
   OE |3       12| DV
  VCC |4  MC14 11| ATB
   GT |5  5436 10| X1
  XEN |6        9| X0
   IN |7        8| GND


DTMF decoder.
DV goes high when a tone is detected on IN (-32..-2dB). XEN is oscillator enable (pull high, and connect a Xtal // 1M resistor to X0 and X1). If XEN is low, ATB can be used to connect multiple chips together. GT determines the guard time, 0=short 1=long.
   D1 |1  +--+ 14| D2
   D0 |2       13| D3
   OE |3       12| DV
  VCC |4  MC14 11| ATB
   GT |5  5436 10| X1
  XEN |6        9| X0
   IN |7        8| GND

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