Architecture Pin Diagram
The Intel 8085A is a new generation, complete 8 bit parallel central processing unit (CPU). The 8085A uses a multiplexed data bus. The address is split between the 8bit address bus and the 8bit data bus.
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The Intel 8085A is a new generation, complete 8 bit parallel central processing unit (CPU). The 8085A uses a multiplexed data bus. The address is split between the 8bit address bus and the 8bit data bus.
An instruction is a binary pattern designed inside a microprocessor to perform a specific function. The entire group of instructions, called the instruction set, determines what functions the microprocessor can perform. These instructions can be classified into the following five functional categories: data transfer (copy) operations, arithmetic operations, logical operations, branching operations, and machine-control operations.
This group of instructions copy data from a location called a source to another location called a destination, without modifying the contents of the source. In technical manuals, the term data transfer is used for this copying function. However, the term transfer is misleading; it creates the impression that the contents of the source are destroyed when, in fact, the contents are retained without any modification. The various types of data transfer (copy) are listed below together with examples of each type:
These instructions perform arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, increment, and decrement.
These instructions perform various logical operations with the contents of the accumulator.
The branching instructions alter normal sequential program flow, either unconditionally or conditionally. The unconditional branching instructions are as follows:
Quite a large set of instructions call for register addressing. With these instructions, you must specify one of the registers A through E, H or L as well as the operation code. With these instructions, the accumulator is implied as a second operand. For example, the instruction CMP E may be interpreted as 'compare the contents of the E register with the contents of the accumulator.
Jump instructions include a 16-bit address as part of the instruction. For example, the instruction JMP 1000H causes a jump to the hexadecimal address 1000 by replacing the current contents of the program counter with the new value 1000H.
Register indirect instructions reference memory via a register pair. Thus, the instruction MOV M,C moves the contents of the C register into the memory address stored in the H and L register pair. The instruction LDAX B loads the accumulator with the byte of data specified by the address in the B and C register pair.
Instructions that use immediate addressing have data assembled as a part of the instruction itself. For example, the instruction CPI 'C' may be interpreted as compare the contents of the accumulator with the letter C. When assembled, this instruction has the hexadecimal value FE43. Hexadecimal 43 is the internal representation for the letter C. When this instruction is executed, the processor fetches the first instruction byte and determines that it must fetch one more byte. The processor fetches the next byte into one of its internal registers and then performs the compare operation.
The addressing mode of certain instructions is implied by the instruction's function. For example, the STC (set carry flag) instruction deals only with the carry flag, the DAA (decimal adjust accumulator) instruction deals with the accumulator.
Some instructions use a combination of addressing modes. A CALL instruction, for example, combines direct addressing and register indirect addressing. The direct address in a CALL instruction specifies the address of the desired subroutine; the register indirect address is the stack pointer. The CALL instruction pushes the current contents of the program counter into the memory location specified by the stack pointer.
Addressing modes affect both the amount of time required for executing an instruction and the amount of memory required for its storage. For example, instructions that use implied or register addressing, execute very quickly since they deal directly with the processor's hardware or with data already present in hardware registers. Most important, however is that the entire instruction can be fetched with a single memory access. The number of memory accesses required is the single greatest factor in determining execution timing. More memory accesses therefore require more execution time. A CALL instruction for example, requires five memory accesses: three to access the entire instruction and two more to push the contents of the program counter onto the stack.
The following instructions affect the Stack and/or Stack Pointer: