Memory: Serial RAM-EEPROM and clocks
Real-time clock with 3-wire serial interface and 24 bytes RAM.+---+--+---+ |1 +--+ 8| VCC X1 |2 DS 7| CLK X2 |3 1202 6| DQ GND |4 5| /RST +----------+
I2C 128x8 EEPROM with write protect.Address is 1010xxx where x can be specified by the A0-2 inputs.
+---+--+---+ A0 |1 +--+ 8| VCC A1 |2 7| WP A2 |3 2401 6| SCL GND |4 5| SDA +----------+
I2C 256x8 EEPROM with write protect.Address is 1010xxx where x can be specified by the A0-2 inputs.
+---+--+---+ A0 |1 +--+ 8| VCC A1 |2 7| WP A2 |3 2402 6| SCL GND |4 5| SDA +----------+
I2C 2x256x8 EEPROM with write protect.Address is 1010xxy where x can be specified by the A1-2 inputs, and y selects the 256-byte bank to use. A0 has no function, but must be connected to GND or VCC.
+---+--+---+ A0 |1 +--+ 8| VCC A1 |2 7| WP A2 |3 2404 6| SCL GND |4 5| SDA +----------+
I2C 4x256x8 EEPROM with write protect.Address is 1010xyy where x can be specified by the A2 input, and yy selects the 256-byte bank to use. A0-1 have no function, but must be connected to GND or VCC.
+---+--+---+ A0 |1 +--+ 8| VCC A1 |2 7| WP A2 |3 2408 6| SCL GND |4 5| SDA +----------+
I2C 8x256x8 EEPROM with write protect.Address is 1010yyy where yyy selects the 256-byte bank to use. A0-2 have no function, but must be connected to GND or VCC.
+---+--+---+ A0 |1 +--+ 8| VCC A1 |2 7| WP A2 |3 2416 6| SCL GND |4 5| SDA +----------+
I2C 4kx8 EEPROM.Address is 1010xxx where x can be specified by the A0-2 inputs. This device uses two address bytes instead of the normal one.
+---+--+---+ A0 |1 +--+ 8| VCC A1 |2 7| A2 |3 2432 6| SCL GND |4 5| SDA +----------+
I2C 8kx8 EEPROM with programmable block write protect.Address is 1010xxx where x can be specified by the A0-2 inputs. This device uses two address bytes instead of the normal one.
+---+--+---+ A0 |1 +--+ 8| VCC A1 |2 7| A2 |3 2465 6| SCL GND |4 5| SDA +----------+
Serial 1134x32 EPROM with FPGA interface.+---+--+---+ DATA |1 +--+ 8| VCC CLK |2 7| VPP RESET//OE |3 3735 6| /CEO /CE |4 5| GND +----------+
Serial 2048x32 EPROM with FPGA interface.+---+--+---+ DATA |1 +--+ 8| VCC CLK |2 7| VPP RESET//OE |3 3765 6| /CEO /CE |4 5| GND +----------+
Serial 128x8/64x16 EEPROM.+---+--+---+ CD |1 +--+ 8| VCC CLK |2 7| RDY//BSY DI |3 5911 6| x16//x8 DO |4 5| GND +----------+
I2C 256x8 static RAM.Address is 1010xxx where x can be specified by the A0-2 inputs.
+---+--+---+ A0 |1 +--+ 8| VCC A1 |2 7| GND A2 |3 8570 6| SCL GND |4 5| SDA +----------+
I2C 128x8 static RAM.Address is 1010xxx where x can be specified by the A0-2 inputs.
+---+--+---+ A0 |1 +--+ 8| VCC A1 |2 7| GND A2 |3 8571 6| SCL GND |4 5| SDA +----------+
8572, 8581
I2C 128x8 EEPROM.Address is 1010xxx where x can be specified by the A0-2 inputs.
+---+--+---+ A0 |1 +--+ 8| VCC A1 |2 8572 7| GND A2 |3 8581 6| SCL GND |4 5| SDA +----------+
I2C 256x8 EEPROM.Address is 1010xxx where x can be specified by the A0-2 inputs.
+---+--+---+ A0 |1 +--+ 8| VCC A1 |2 7| GND A2 |3 8582 6| SCL GND |4 5| SDA +----------+
I2C Clock/Calendar with 240x8 static RAM.Address is 101000x where x can be specified by the A0 input.
+---+--+---+ X1 |1 +--+ 8| VCC X0 |2 7| /INT A0 |3 8583 6| SCL GND |4 5| SDA +----------+
8592, 8594
I2C 2x256x8 EEPROM.Address is 1010xxy where x can be specified by the A1-2 inputs, and y selects the 256-byte bank to use. A0 has no function, but must be connected to GND or VCC.
+---+--+---+ A0 |1 +--+ 8| VCC A1 |2 7| A2 |3 8592 6| SCL GND |4 5| SDA +----------+
I2C 4x256x8 EEPROM.Address is 1010xyy where x can be specified by the A2 input, and yy selects the 256-byte bank to use. A0-1 have no function, but must be connected to GND or VCC.
+---+--+---+ A0 |1 +--+ 8| VCC A1 |2 7| A2 |3 8598 6| SCL GND |4 5| SDA +----------+
Serial 16x16 EEPROM.+---+--+---+ CD |1 +--+ 8| VCC CLK |2 7| DI |3 9306 6| DO |4 5| GND +----------+
Serial 64x16 EEPROM.+---+--+---+ CD |1 +--+ 8| VCC CLK |2 7| DI |3 9346 6| DO |4 5| GND +----------+
Serial 256x8/128x16 EEPROM.+---+--+---+ CD |1 +--+ 8| VCC CLK |2 7| DI |3 9356 6| x16//x8 DO |4 5| GND +----------+
Serial 512x8/256x16 EEPROM.+---+--+---+ CD |1 +--+ 8| VCC CLK |2 7| DI |3 9366 6| x16//x8 DO |4 5| GND +----------+
I2C 2kx8 EEPROM with write protect.Address is 1010xxx where x can be specified by the A0-2 inputs. This device uses two address bytes instead of the normal one.
+---+--+---+ A0 |1 +--+ 8| VCC A1 |2 7| WP A2 |3 24164 6| SCL GND |4 5| SDA +----------+
I2C 2kx8 EEPROM with write protect and 16x8 OTP EPROM.Address is 1010xxx where x can be specified by the A0-2 inputs. This device uses two address bytes instead of the normal one.
+---+--+---+ A0 |1 +--+ 8| VCC A1 |2 7| WP A2 |3 24174 6| SCL GND |4 5| SDA +----------+
Serial 4096x32 EPROM with FPGA interface.+---+--+---+ DATA |1 +--+ 8| VCC CLK |2 7| VPP RESET//OE |3 37128 6| /CEO /CE |4 5| GND +----------+
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