USB PIC Bootloader
USB PIC Bootloader is a resident bootloader for PIC18 series of Enhanced Flash USB Microcontrollers. It allows you to program application hex into the chip using the standard USB connectivity of your device.
USB PIC Bootloader code is write-protected and cannot be overwritten by firmware.
Firmware update or user mode is selected by SW and/or HW switch.

USB PIC Bootloader is a program that stays in the first 8191 bytes of the program memory of the Microchip PIC Microcontroller. Bootloader runs at the boot time (when the processor has just been reset) and is capable of loading a complete application program into a processors memory. With the USB PIC Bootloader loaded, there are two distinct modes of operation:
firmware update mode and Application mode.
USB PIC Bootloader uses the EEPROM mark and/or hardware switch to determine which mode to run in.
Firmware Update Mode.
In firmware update mode USB PIC Bootloader utilizes USB connection of Microchip PIC Microcontroller to communicate with PC and load the new application code. Once the programming is done, the USB PIC Bootloader switches to Application mode, the processor is reset and begins running the newly loaded code.
Application mode.
In Application mode USB PIC Bootloader simply remap reset and interrupt vectors to user mode firmware application.
1. Easy connect to Laptop as well as Desktop PCs through USB Port to downloading your hex file
2. Built-in MAX232 interface circuit for easy communication with a computer and other serial devices (GPS modules, GSM Modems, etc).
3. On board Buzzer.
4. Comes with two BC547which can be used to drive relays.
5. On board 16x2 LCD with brightness control for LCD.
6. 4 Digit Segment Multiplexed Display.
7. 8 LED array.
8. I2C serial EEPROM and Real Time Clock.
9. 4*4 matrix keyboard.
10. Port extensions for all ports.
Included Material
# 12V DC Adaptor
# 20 No's Burg wire - Female to Female
# USB Port Cable
# The included CD contains tutorials to get started, sample codes, demo projects, BootSoft Software and USB driver.
Contact :
LED Blink Demo
processor PIC18F4550
#include ""
reserveboot equ 0x25 ; reserved register for bootloader
temp1 equ 0x26
temp2 equ 0x27
temp3 equ 0x28
org 0x2000
goto init
org 0x2020
goto int_isr
movlw b'00001111'
movwf TRISD
bsf PORTD,6
call delay1sec
bcf PORTD,6
call delay1sec
goto loop
delay1sec ; appx. 1sec delay
movlw .60
movwf temp3
decfsz temp1,1
goto dela
decfsz temp2,1
goto dela
decfsz temp3,1
goto dela
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